Burn the Point
Friday September 2nd and Saturday September 3rd
In the 50’s and 60’s the block between 2nd and 3rd Avenues North and N 29th ST and Broadway was a constant flow of young people and their cars, in both directions, “burning the point”. It was the place to meet and greet.
Friday night, September 2nd of Labor Day weekend, the parade brings the streets to life at 6:00 pm when the first of over 500 cars cross N 27th ST to rumble down 3rd Ave N to the delight of as many as 12,000 spectators. We don’t know how to count them, but that was the estimate of last year’s crowd. They fill the streets, parking lots, parking garages and sidewalks. Kurt Anthony and Major Dan Miller from MOJO 92.5 FM announce the cars from the front of Q2 Studios and the Babcock Theater, respectively. After they rumble back across N 27th Street, the band will fire up on Broadway and there will be dancing in the streets. This is a holiday worth staying in town for.
Saturday, September 3rd MetraPark Fairgrounds
10:00 am the show opens to several thousand people who pour over the stunning collection of classic cars and trucks on display at the MetraPark Fairgrounds. For just $3 you can take your time looking these beauties over. Almost 300 strong, there is A LOT to look at.
A variety of vendors offer food and beverages on what is always a sunny summer day. Over one hundred trophies are given out and the judges are the trophy sponsors themselves – cant get more fair than that! A lot full of gorgeous machines, music, good food and drink…how can you beat a day like that for only $3?
As much as we love dogs, they are not allowed at the show so please leave Fido at home. While you’re here, there is also a great swap mean and fantastic car corral going on. Parking will be available in the main upper and lower lots, get there early to claim the best spots! (We will offer Shuttle Service from the upper parking lot and Handicap Parking will be available.)